Nannette & Mike

June 21, 2025 • Boulder, CO, USA
100 Days To Go!

Nannette & Mike

June 21, 2025 • Boulder, CO, USA
100 Days To Go!


Wedding Gifts

Picture of Wedding Gifts

We are so grateful for all the gifts we received 50 years ago and all the things we have been able to accumulate over the years. We do not need any more crock pots, dishes, silverware, popcorn poppers or bar sets.

As you all know, Triathlon has become a big part of our lives and instead of gifts, we would like to encourage you to make a donation to the USA Triathlon Foundation to support their kids programs.

Childhood obesity is a growing health concern and triathlon is a sport that welcomes all abilities and encourages people, kids and adults to live active, healthier lifestyles.

To celebrate our 50 years together, we have pledged to match all wedding gift donations. Thank you.